Sunday, December 24, 2017

Turkey's Debt

Some readers probably don’t realize that Turkey is one of the larger economies in the world. The largest in the Muslim world, except for Indonesia, and that depends on which stats you read….they are neck in neck.   But Turkey has a problem, and it may soon be the world’s problem: debt.  Lots of it. A quarter trillion dollars in government debt, but almost 1.5 trillion dollars in corporate debt, most of which is owing externally. I don’t think it’s going to be paid. Turkey’s debt, not counting consumer debt, is over twice its GDP. The problem is compounded by Turkey’s aversion to accepting IMF help. From what I can see, the attitude seems to be “screw the west…they got us into this mess by lending to us.”  If Turkey defaults, the contagion will spread. Banks who lose will want to sell other assets….fast. There may not be buyers in some asset classes, and that will then freeze those markets so that the panic selling will spread even further. 

Monday, December 4, 2017

Bitcoiners To Get Bitten?

The IRS is casting a net to gather in those who have not reported gains. See  Now that bitcoin values have gone to the moon, this potentially makes the move profitable for the IRS and very damaging for bitcoin users.